
Trinitarian Trajectories



27 July 2022

Glen Scrivener

In my debate with Musharraf Hussein (listen to the audio, read some follow-up reflections here and here) he made the claim repeatedly that Trinity was a late development. He reckoned the doctrine was thrust onto the church by Constantine in the 4th century at the Council of Nicaea. Such an assertion is not uncommon. The underlying thought is that everyone was unitarian until a few nefarious characters hijacked Christianity. Maybe the chief baddie was Paul, maybe it was Constantine, but somebody…

Trinitarian Trajectories



27 July 2022

Glen Scrivener

In my debate with Musharraf Hussein (listen to the audio, read some follow-up reflections here and here) he made the claim repeatedly that Trinity was a late development. He reckoned the…

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How To Avoid Idolatry: Become A Trinitarian



27 July 2022

Glen Scrivener

In last week’s post I began to reflect on my debate with Musharraf Hussein. I made the point that unitarianism (the belief that God’s one-ness is a mathematical singularity) is not…

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Moses’ Doctrine of God is Not Muhammad’s



27 July 2022

Glen Scrivener

Recently I debated Imam Musharraf Hussein on Justin Brierley’s Unbelievable show. We explored the topic of the Old Testament doctrine of God: Does Moses’s doctrine of God fit Trinity or Tawhid…

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Atheist Humanist. Pick One.



7 July 2022

Glen Scrivener

8th February 2020 // By Glen Scrivener Can Atheism Deliver A Better World? Recently I took on atheist speaker and YouTuber Matt Dillahunty for the Unbelievable programme. We discussed…

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How To Avoid Idolatry: Become A Trinitarian



27 July 2022

Glen Scrivener

In last week’s post I began to reflect on my debate with Musharraf Hussein. I made the point that unitarianism (the belief that God’s one-ness is a mathematical singularity) is not obvious. In fact it involves you in the very thing unitarians wish to avoid: idolatry. Either it makes you posit a lifeless, mute, dark God or a needy God or both (read here for those two arguments). In this post I want to present a third argument for why unitarianism leads…

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